Teddy & The Bassman

Teddy & The Bassman - Episode 41



Two episodes in the same month? Must be spring!   In Episode 41, special guest, Sara Tolson, has been on our guest bucket list since we first started podcasting. Sara is a phenomenal young performer, friend, and all-round great human being, and it was great having her with us in the Steampunk Library.   We open the hungry maw of the Steampunk Cellar for not one but two offerings, and the Keeper is probably our most delicious yet.   It wouldn’t be a T&TB episode without a naughty quiz, and Sarah happily joined in with the debauchery. A great time was had by all. And of course, it wouldn’t be a T&TB episode without the usual mélange of vintage commercials and jingles, interspersed with a plethora of cool music. And don’t forget to hang on until the end – here there be bloopers.