Pop Culture Rewind

PCR #101 - 2018 Rewind!



It’s not too late for a 2018 year in review, is it? Travis and Chris finally sit down to discuss some of the movies and TV shows they’ve seen throughout the year. Is it too little, too late for the Walking Dead? What exactly went down between Netflix and Marvel/Disney to bring that experiment to an end? How does Travis prefer getting new content on streaming services? Full binge or one at a time? What did Travis want to see happen in Agents of SHIELD? What’s the problem with some of the comic book based TV shows right now? What made Travis accept Gotham for what it is? What were his favorite shows of the year? They didn’t play a lot of video games in 2018, but the ones they played were great. What’d they have the most fun playing? They run down all of the movies they’ve seen throughout the whole year. Did Chris finally overtake Travis in the number of films seen? What were their top five picks? Chris claims he didn’t watch any bad movies, but about Travis? What were the biggest box office winners and losers?