Live Life Happy- Andrea Seydel

METAHUMAN: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential



LIVE LIFE HAPPY- THE UNCONVENTIONAL BOOK CLUB  with Andrea Seydel  Sign up to my LIVE LIFE HAPPY Newsletter and start putting knowledge into action right away... Written Book Club Show Notes: LIVE LIFE HAPPY AUDIO: LIVE LIFE HAPPY TV: THIS EPISODES BOOK METAHUMAN- Unleashing Your Infinite Potential Deepak Chopra unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. How does one do this? By becoming metahuman. It's not what you think- not about being a superhero. To be metahuman means to move past the limitation constructed by the mind and enter a new state of awareness where we have deliberate and concrete access to peak experiences Metahuman invites the reader to walk the path here and now. Waking up, we learn, isn’t just about mindfulness or meditation. Waking up, to become metahuman, is to expand our consciousness in all that we think, say,