Ice Station Housman

Episode - #0024 "The Enemy is Disinformation"



On this week's episode, our dynamic trio cover a number of topics including NASA's Juno probe flyby of Jupiter, recent flash flooding, weather twitter, a rogue ice berg, and the upcoming solar eclipse. Music: This week's outro music was "I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet" by Carol King. Sponsors:  This week's episode is sponsored by Audible. You can get a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial at With over 180,000 titles to choose from, you wont have difficulty in finding something you'll enjoy. Thanks for your support.   Show Notes! LARSON ICE SHELF BREAK OFF One of the biggest icebergs in recorded history just broke loose from Antarctica FLASH FLOODING IN ARIZONA Arizona flash flood sweeps away family relaxing in swimming hole, killing 9 JUNO'S GREAT RED SPOT PICTURES Juno’s Great Red Spot pics are amazing! Here are some fun facts about Jupiter’s giant storm. UPCOMING TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON AUGUST 21ST, 2017 Map of totality path.