George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #163



Is That A Joy-Con In Your Pocket? Adam Sharrock from The Gaming Marathon, another great show on The RELM Network, fills in for Tony this week to talk about being evacuated from his home during the Oroville Dam spillway erosion event a couple of weeks ago. He also tells George about the new Nintendo Switch and his favorite video game of 2016 (and a strong contender for 2017 already).  Plus, Adam got married since the last time he was on the show (episode 143; check our archives on iTunes if you haven't listened yet). Listen to Adam and his co-hosts Asad, Aaron, and Dennis the Cynic on the Gaming Marathon on iTunes, Sound Cloud, and, of course, Keep using #HowsTheWebsiteAsad and keep checking It will be up and running someday. Plus, go to to watch the guys live stream their gameplay. Please take a moment to leave us and the guys at the Gaming Marathon positive five-star reviews on iTunes. It helps like-minded people find our shows.