George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #138



Baltimore Comic Con 2016 Act III The trio. The triumvirate. The trifecta. All great things deserve a trilogy...but we gave ourselves one anyway. This is the third and final installment featuring interviews George conducted at this year's Baltimore Comic Con. Well, these two SHOULD have been done at the convention but thanks to user error, the discussions on this week's show were done as a post script after the show. First up is podcasting icon Darrell Taylor of who trusted George to hit the record button this time. He talks about podcasting, comics, and an unhealthy infatuation with current Batman scribe Tom King...all from the lean, mean streets of New York City. Then we hear from artist and entrepeneur Kevin Bednarz of Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA ( who tells us about all his business ventures: Comic Logic, The Ashburn Pub, and the latest and greatest Comic Con for you to get excited about in July 2017 - NOVACON!!! All that plus geocaching and MCA Day. Darr