George And Tony Entertainment Show

George and Tony Entertainment Show #127



Meet Rob Shade Who is the mysterious Rob Shade? Is he friend or foe? Has he come to save the world or is he a harbinger of the destruction of the multiverse? We may never know...until it's too late. What we do know is he is a fun guy with great stories about his cross country move to the west coast, his quest to go minimalist, his almost weekly trips to Disneyland, and how he designed the logo for the daily podcast Buzz Burbank News and Comment ( right here on the RELM Network (! All this plus the magic of Colecovision. And did we mention Rob is an Emmy Award winner? Maybe we should have led with that. Rob Shade knows some of the best ways to support the show are to share it with your friends, family, and mortal enemies on social media and subscribe and leave us five star reviews on iTunes. Now you know too. Thank you for your support.