Michael Doesn't Know

Michael Doesn't Know - EP 9



Ladies, Am I right? A: Yes. B: Know. A: If you answered yes then congratulations you have been selected for liquification. Please remove any metalic items and step into the chum shoot to the left, to the left - don't worry the chum shoot comes prelubricated ;) B: If you answered Know then congratulations you're about to be whisked away by tall elephant-headed men in suits on the trip of a lifetime to Ge-nit-alium! Located on the outer edges of the Ejactile galaxy, Genitalium has long been the blood-soaked getaway of choice for invertebrates and amorphous blobs alike.  Feel every last drop of human empathy seep out of your body as you fight for survival across an acidic fleshy landscape. In a land ruled by gigantic anthropomorphic genitalia, death by flagellation is just a stifled whimper away!