Michael Doesn't Know

Michael Doesn't Know EP -7



Type type type type type......KILLLLLLL.........mumbble mumbble mumbble ...............AAAAHHHH!!! ......rustle rustle rustle rustle....rustle.......... STAAAB STAAAB STAAAAB........brumm brum brummmm beeep.......... SMASH SMASH SMASH SMAAASH SMAAAAASSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! If you empathise then congratulations you have just joined the most exclusive club on the internet - 'Michael Doesn't know podcast'  The world is a nightmare but now you have a dream guide. Think of us as a Native American. Unless you are a Native American in which case think of us as a murderous white devil. Life is short, why not skip the queue.  KILL KILL KILL Disclaimer: Remember telling Michael about the Michael Doesn’t Know Podcast will mean the end of the Michael Doesn’t Know Podcast, so if you like the Michael Doesn’t Know Podcast then don’t tell Michael, and if you don’t like the Michael Doesn’t Know Podcast then kindly fuck off!