Bethesda Shalom

Seventh-day Adventists Exposed (Pt.5of8) - Paul M. Williams



The SDA proposition that the Law of Moses as represented by the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) is still binding and in force upon those professing faith in Jesus and is a necessary requisite for salvation is not new to our era.  The Church in the first century was faced with exactly the same proposition!  Historically, the very first converts to Christianity were all Jewish; the very first church as recorded in the book of Acts consisted purely of Jewish believers who had come to faith in the Messiah Yeshua.  However in accordance with the plan of God and the Old Testament prophecies, the door of salvation was opened to the Gentile nations.  When Gentiles began being converted in vast numbers and began coming into the Church, there were those Jews, the Judaizers, zealous for the Law of Moses who sought to place them under the law as a requisite for salvation.  Are Seventh-day Adventists the modern day Judaizers?  Does salvation come by grace through faith or by the keeping of the law?  Can a professing Christia