Bethesda Shalom

Seventh-day Adventists Exposed (Pt.2of8) - Paul M. Williams



This teaching explores the history and begins of the Seventh-day Adventists.  The nineteenth century saw a literal explosion in the number of cults and religious groups springing up in the United States.  Out of this spawning ground came the Seventh-day Adventists.  In the 1830’s, a Baptist minister from New York by the name of William Miller began publicly sharing his new found belief, that Jesus Christ was going to return October 22, 1844.  When October 22 1844 came and passed without the Lord’s coming, William Miller’s followers were left absolutely devastated, their hopes dashed into pieces!!  It was against this backdrop that Ellen G. White emerged as a prophetess of a movement known as the Seventh-day Adventists.  In this teaching we explore the nature and the substance of Mrs Whites visions and ask the question, are such visions compatible with a true Biblical experience.      Download notes (pdf)