Discipleship In Luke

Sermon on Plain intro (#13)



We want to learn to understand the bible as disciples of Jesus, not scholars or preachers or Sunday school children.  To do that, we need to keep each section in context.  The goal of this short lesson is to give you an intro to this idea … to see the text as Luke portrays it: Jesus’ introduction to his new dedicated disciples, and a reminder that they’ll become unpopular, but need to love the bad guys, anyway.    Now you have lots of homework: study the section of Luke 6.17-49.  Break this lesson into the chunks we discussed last lesson.  then see each chunk as it fits in with the work of Jesus so far, and as it applies to those he’s teaching.  Finally, consider how this will apply to you as a disciple, and as a disciple maker.  That means you’re first a student, like Jesus’ 12, but also that you want to learn to teach others as Jesus taught.  When you make disciples, you’ll want to do exactly as Jesus is doing, right?