Discipleship In Luke

Luke 4 and Slavery (Lesson # 9)



Jesus began his ministry in his home region, preaching in synagogues, among his own people.  Let’s imitate him – begin your work right where you live.    Also we discuss the concept of slavery and freedom.  It’s helpful to begin to see our world as flesh vs. spirit … that natural desires aren’t evil by themselves, but when we pursue them too far, we become enslaved by them.  Instead of seeing our world as “evil vs. good,” let’s rather decide who or what we will serve: our own appetites, or God.  And when we encounter others, we should see ourselves as helping free them from their slavery.      2 Peter 2:19 (NIV)    John 8:31-36 Romans 6:1-23                       Romans 16:17-18 Galatians 6:1-10