Discipleship In Luke

No, Really – start (Lesson # 8)



This lesson was about these lessons.  Before we get any further into the book of Luke, I need to make it clear that this teaching is about an activity – not mere knowledge.  Knowing how to diet doesn’t make one thin, and knowing how to lift weights doesn’t make one strong.  So learning about discipleship doesn’t make one wiser, stronger, or more valuable to God’s kingdom & business.  To become those things, one must actually start Doing what we’re talking about in these lessons.    Our purpose, actions & priorities match Jesus’ increasingly as we grow, and we grow when we TRY.  Remember that each moment of a disciple’s life is an opportunity to love a person by strengthening that person, helping him or her become a disciple, or by offering aid.  If you do these things, you’ll be valuable and grow increasingly strong.  If you don’t do these things, you’ll grow more and more fragile (needy, brittle, stressed) over time, and you’ll become worthless.  Review these scriptures to see if what I’ve said is