Stark Reflections On Writing And Publishing

Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing EP 033 - Two Wrongs That Make A Writer Spite



This week's episode is a solo one, where Mark reflects on reflect the Two Wrongs That Make a Writer Spite. He takes a look at two negative things that writers often focus on which can be demotivating and make them hateful or spiteful - all things that detract from what writers should be focusing on to move onward and upward in their writer journey. Before the main content, Mark shares a few personal updates, one of which is related to the sell-direct BookFunnel and audiobook sell-direct option recently offered by Findaway Voices via Authors Direct. This week's episode is sponsored by listeners and Patreon supporters to the show. Mark explains that his nickname for listeners have been christened as Reflectives, and the outlines who he believes his ideal listening audience to this podcast is. He also outlines the ways that listeners can help support the show, which are:   a) continuing to listen to the podcast b) sharing the podcast with someone who would likely get value from it c) becoming a Patreon supporter