Stark Reflections On Writing And Publishing

Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing EP 026 - Armand Rosamilia on Engagement and Community



In episode 26, Mark chats with author Armand Rosamilia who is originally from New Jersey and currently lives in sunny Florida with his wife. Armand is not only a hybrid author with more than 150 stories, and numerous books published both via traditional publishers and via indie-publishing methods, but he is also a podcaster and the co-owner of the Project Entertainment Network. This episode's tongue twister, sponsored by Findaway Voices comes from Edward, who sent the short quick tongue twister "Eddie edited it" which Mark is to say 5 times really fast in a cartoonish character voice. Mark then thanks Patreon patrons who support the show and reminds users they can support the show via Patreon or by simply sharing the show with a friend or leaving a review. In their chat, Mark and Armand talk about: How Armand prioritizes his time with all of the various tasks on his plate, and the important support from his wife who helps keep him on track The opportunities that allowed him to leave his job 7 years ago to be