Thinking With David

Chapter One - The Trail Provides



Hey You! What a special day it is today :) I'm so incredibly excited to share with you that my new book, The Trail Provides: A Boy's Memoir of Thru-Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, is now available for purchase on Amazon!  There's so much I could say about the book, but I think it speaks for itself. That's where you'll find all the stories, lessons learned, acknowledgments, and hopefully some laughs, insights, and inspiration. Enjoy! In honor of the book launch, this week's podcast episode is a reading of the first chapter! I am far from being a professional voice actor, and voice acting was a much more difficult task than I had anticipated, requiring many retakes and chugging lots of water, and I am still not sure about the result, but I tried my best and had fun doing it. Enjoy, and I'd love to know what you think about how I did as I might be considering an audiobook in the future. Finally, my website/blog has been updated to reflect the launch. Feel free to head to to browse around an