Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 22- Dirty Dancing



Nobody puts Baby in the corner. And nobody told the Sweeties when they were little that Dirty Dancing is a thinly veiled cautionary tale about abortion rights.  Just kidding! It's about dancing you fools.  Dirty Dancing to be precise.  We really had the TIME OF OUR LIVES talking all about Patrick Swayze's hotness factor (RIP), how we wanted Jennifer Grey's fancy schmancy ballroom dancing shoes, and break down the psychological reasons why the sister Lisa was a big old bitchy mcbitchster throughout most of the movie.  So join hands, hearts, and voices. Voices, hearts, and hands. At Large Marge Sent Us we talk about movies that we were too young to be watching but did anyways because our parents were awesome and didn't care. Truth.   Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. This episode brought to you by Andrew Yaksic.