Gender Reveal

Episode 90: Gender 603



Tuck answers more advice questions with BFF of the show Zee Griffler (they/them). Topics include: How do I come out to my boyfriend? Can cis people use X gender markers? Is a relationship automatically queer if someone is trans? What does it feel like to like your name? Do my birth certificate and license need to match? Do you have gender questions that you’d like answered on the show? Submit questions anonymously via this Google form. Browse our March merch collection at Join our Patreon ( to receive our weekly newsletter and other rewards. Find our new FAQ page, starter packs and episode transcripts at We’re on Twitter and Instagram @gendereveal. Join the Gender Detectives Slack at Producer: Zee Griffler Special thanks to Babette Thomas Logo: Ira M. Leigh Music: Breakmaster Cylinder Sponsors: YOU! Thank you!