Gender Reveal

Episode 21: Ari Monts



In this week’s episode, Tuck speaks with writer and Ph.D. student Ari LaRae Monts (they/them), whose research focuses on queer women of color and non-binary people of color. Topics include: Grappling with family trauma by writing a love letter to butch queers. Using federal dollars to study queer SM communities of color. Rethinking “femme” as an identity beyond an aesthetic. Practicing Christianity as a queer and trans person. Exploring nonbinary identity at A-Camp. Read more about our This Week in Gender topic here. Find Alaina’s writing on Autostraddle, and follow them on Twitter (@alaraemonts). Send us your comments, questions, and feelings at or on Twitter. You can also submit questions anonymously here. We greatly appreciate donations via Patreon or PayPal or Cash App. Donate $5+ to receive stickers and other fun stuff. Logo: Ira M. Leigh Music: Breakmaster Cylinder Sponsors: YOU! Thank you!