936 Weeks to Manhood

The Big Squeeze in Africa - 936 Weeks to Manhood



936 Weeks To Manhood: Evan Hanson is the host for this weekly show that focuses exclusively on anything and everything that has to do with raising a boy who becomes a good man. Drawing on expert information from James Dobson, John Eldridge, Leonard Sax, and David Gurian to name a few. The show will bring valuable information you need as a parent or mentor who wants to actively prepare the boy/s in your life who are on the way to becoming men. If you are looking for insight, resources and up to date information about boys, this podcast is for you. Each episode will examine some aspect of the unique world of boys or talk with someone who will inspire you as a parent or mentor. Internet resources and resources will be made available every episode. If you are serious about intentionally preparing your boy for his future as a man this show is for you.