Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Seafarer's Foster: Take a red pen to China's growth projections



Andrew Foster, chief investment officer at Seafarer Capital Partners, says that forecasts for China to become the world's largest economy -- surpassing the United States -- are based on overblown economic assumptions. He says China is revising numbers, which will put 'a substantial dampener on growth;' instead of growth rates projected at 6 percent, Foster says to expect economic deceleration that puts 'the point where China surpasses the US more in doubt' or much further out. Also on the show, Cheryl Smith, economist and portfolio manager at Trillium Asset Management, discusses how the pandemic helped to prove a number of key economic theories, which should help guide the way to what happens next, and Madhu Chaudhary, investment analyst, talks about the growth potential of Upstart Holdings, an online lending platform firm that uses artificial intelligence rather than classic credit scores to determine risk-worthy borrowers.