Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Via Nova's Gayle: If ever a rising tide lifts all boats, 'we're in it'



Alan Gayle, president of Via Nova Investment Management, says that the light at the end of the pandemic's tunnel is getting brighter and that as conditions improve the astronomically high expectations for economic growth keep moving higher, as do the already heightened expectations for Standard and Poor's 500 earnings. 'The overriding theme,' Gayle says, 'is that the fundamentals continue to improve,' creating the proverbial rising tide that is lifting all boats. Also on the show,  Brian Dress of Left Brain Investment Research discusses what growth investors should be thinking now that volatility has made the ride much bumpier, and Ted Rossman of covers a new survey showing that many parents helped their children get through the pandemic financially, but to the detriment of their own finances. In the Market Call, Andre Weisbrod of Quantum Financial Advisors makes his debut on the show discussing stocks and ETFs.