Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

NDR's Clissold: Some trouble ahead, but the risk of recession is low



Ed Clissold, chief US strategist at Ned Davis Research, says that the stock market should remain strong while the economy gets back to full speed, but he notes that things could change quickly thereafter and says investors will want to get defensive. He does not expect a recession or significant bear market, but believes investors will want to play defe3nse and choose buying opportunities carefully. Also on the show, Chris Vermeulen, chief market strategist for The Technical Traders, says that the market's technicals are all green lights right now, but that the color is likely to change with a consolidation move -- not necessarily a bear market but months of sideways to gradual decline -- that could start late this month and last into the fall. Plus, Ismat Mangla of discusses study research showing how the timing of retirement can impact lifetime housing costs, and Jennifer Barrett, author of, 'Think Like a Breadwinner,' discusses her book.