Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

An overvalued market, a looming bond bubble, a 'broken' market index and more



Doug Ramsey, chief investment officer at The Leuthold Group, says the stock market's current valuations remind him of 20 years ago, when the stock market was peaking as the Internet bubble market burst; he also says that the bond market is creating a bubble, but that the impact of the stock bubble will be greater when it bursts, which he thinks will occur late in or after the economic recovery from coronavirus. Meanwhile, Zach Jonson, chief investment officer at Stack Financial Management, says that the Standard and Poor's 500 is broken, failing to represent the broad domestic economy, which is one big reason why the market performed well while the economy was suffering in 2020. He expects that disconnect to continue -- but with the economy bouncing back and the stock market likely lagging -- going forward. Also on the show, Nick Holmes, manager of the Tortoise Essential Assets Income fund, discusses investing in water infrastructure, and how it is different from traditional infrastructure investing.