Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Tech Traders' Vermeulen says technicals will overpower fundamentals in new bull market



Chris Vermeulen, chief market strategist at The Technical Traders, says that the market's technicals are very strong, with all signs showing a new bull market that should carry the Standard and Poor's 500 to 4,200. 'You have to throw fundamentals and economic stuff out the window,' he says, 'because this market from a technical standpoint is set to go higher,' noting that the market could climb the wall of worry -- with brief respites and corrections -- all the way to 4,600. Also on the show, William Costigan of Guggenheim Partners says that low real interest rates and nominal Treasury yields at or below zero is forcing investors to 'be more creative, more thoughtful and do more homework' to find better fixed-income results, Ed Carson of Investor's Business Daily discusses the latest IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index, and Tom Plumb of the Plumb Funds talks about buying disruptive companies in the Market Call.