Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Hirsch: Now's the time for the market to react to election news



Jeffrey Hirsch, editor of the Stock Trader's Almanac, says the stock market's seemingly ho-hum reaction to election news has been because the result remains a toss-up, but now that the conventions have passed and the election process is entering the home stretch, he expects a more significant response as market forces decide what kind of impact to expect from either an incumbent victory or a regime change. He notes that the market generally responds positively to a re-election and struggles more when an incumbent is defeated. Also on the show, Jerremy Newsome of  Real Life Trading says the market is headed for trouble ahead -- a decline of 8 to 10 percent -- because it has overheated and become too optimistic. Still, after that kind of pullback, he expects the market to resume its climb and says 20 percent higher a year from now would not be surprising at all. Larry Swedroe, author of 'The Incredible Shrinking Alpha: How to be a Successful Investor Without Picking Winners" discusses his book and Matt Zajechow