Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Baird's Delwiche:No sense in getting negative on the market right now



Willie Delwiche, investment analyst at Baird, says that the market's technicals are sending a clear message that the market is in an uptrend that is likely to keep rolling, so that 'Getting really negative about the market right now doesn't make any sense.' In the Big Interview, Steve Rick, chief economist at CUNA Mutual group, notes that while he expected a recession in 2020, it was not for pandemic reasons, but the struggling economy actually addressed his concerns and so the weakness he anticipated won't stand in the way of a recovery from here.Also, Ismat Mangla of discusses their research into the dividend history -- freeze, cut, hold or increase -- of companies that furloughed workers or reduced payrolls during the coronavirus pandemic, and Noland Langford of Left Brain Investment Research talks stocks in the Market Call.