Money Life With Chuck Jaffe Daily Podcast

Ally Invest's Bell: 'The impact of this virus on our economy will be immense'



Lindsey Bell, chief investment strategist at Ally Invest, says in the Big Interview that with experts warning about how bad the next few weeks could be from the standpoint of spreading the coronavirus, it leaves investors waiting to see just how deep and how long a resulting recession will be, and what the recovery side of this picture will look like. Despite that cautious talk, Bell notes that when the market drops 30 percent or more, it is presenting a compelling chance to put money to work. Also on the show, Susan Tillery of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants talks about the emotional impacts of elder fraud, David Trainer of New Constructs warns about exchange-traded funds paying exceptionally high dividends, and Kevin Miller of the E-Valuator Funds talks funds and ETFs in the Market Call.