Behind The Brilliance

135 Africa Miranda on Reinvention, Reality TV, and Real Beauty



Influencer, actress, and entrepreneur Africa Miranda stops by to chat about her journey from a girl with New York City dreams in Alabama to star of Bravo's "The New Atlanta" to dynamic woman birthing a luxury beauty brand.  During this talk, Africa opens about the best and worst parts of her path and shares the secrets to her resilience. We cover a lot of topics including:  -Africa's approach to making big decisions (you'll love her framework and want to steal it for yourself) -Africa's secrets for creating enviable brand identity (luxury radiates from her new brand) -The beauty secrets that yield glowing skin and slaytastic hair -How Africa actively designs a life she loves (with advice you can actually use) -Africa's reflections on life after reality TV -Africa's leap from Alabama to New York City and why the move was so important -and much more! Say hi to Africa on Instagram and Twitter : @africamiranda  Rate the show on iTunes and share it with somebody who can use a shot of funny inspiration. Get show no