Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#025 - DEMO: Parenting with the principles: How to help a suffering child



This episode features a coaching demo I did with Clarity Coach Trevor Hartwick. And here’s one of the interesting things about it: We did the demo at the end of a virtual session where we only had 7 minutes left. What you’re going to hear is just how quickly it’s possible for someone to experience a profound shift when you’re working with an understanding of the principles behind clarity.   Trevor and his wife are new parents, with a two-month old baby. Trevor’s loving being a father, but sometimes, when the baby won’t stop crying, he feels powerless. Trevor said it breaks his heart to see his child upset and not be able to make him happy.   And of course, whether you’re a parent or not, you can probably relate to Trevor, because we’ve all had the experience of seeing someone we care about suffering, and feeling powerless to do anything about it.    As you’ll hear, what Trevor realised is that one of the biggest gifts he can give his son can *only* be given in those moments where there’s nothing he can do to