Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#024 - Nick Bottini From Scared of speaking on his home-turf to bestselling author, sharing the principles



In this episode of the podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Nick Bottini. Over the past couple of years he’s gone from being the music teacher in a school to being a bestselling author, speaker and coach who’s passionate about sharing the inside-out understanding with musicians. And while hundreds of thousands of people are now exploring and having insights into this understanding, there are relatively few people who are managing to share this understanding effectively. Nick’s an example of someone who’s been proactive in navigating that journey from having his OWN insights into the inside-out nature of life, to helping other people to have THEIR own realisations, but that’s not where he started. In the beginning, Nick experienced what people often call ‘impostor syndrome’ when it came to sharing the principles with musicians. He said, “I did hold off sharing with musicians because I felt like ‘Who am I to share it at all’ and sharing it on my home territo