Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#023 - Clarity Case Study: The Principles of Clarity at Work in the NHS



A simple solution to stress, pressure and burnout in the NHS. this episode is one we’ve been trying to organise for a while, because it’s with Louise O’Dalaigh, a woman who’s been working to introduce the principles behind clarity into he National Health Service (NHS).    As you may know, the issue of stress and burnout is pretty much an epidemic in the world of healthcare, so it’s one of the places where subtractive psychology has so much to offer. Why? Because in a domain where people are insanely busy, and have crucial, life and death decisions to make,  subtractive psychology is the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential. Louise went into the NHS because she’s passionate about helping people and caring for others. She started out as a nurse, and rose through the ranks to become a senior manager leading services.    In the process, she experienced a huge amount of stress and pressure, to the point where she was really struggling at work. Her