Visual Revolutionary

Episode 10: Pete Mortimer/ Producer/ Founder and President of Sender Films



If you were lucky enough to get to see the recently released documentary film "Valley Uprising" about the history of climbing in the Yosemite Valley, broadcast on The Discovery Channel and now available online, than you are already aware of Producer/Filmmaker and President of Sender Films Pete Mortimer.   This week we get the chance to sit down with Pete in his Boulder Studio and hear about growing up in Colorado in the 70s and 80s and his early foray into rock climbing and making funny videos with his friends during his high school years.  After graduating from Colorado College, which seems to be producing some of worlds top climbers, photographers, and filmmakers, Pete set out on a journey that would have him in New York for several years, Film School in California, and adventures all over the globe, before he would finally settle back in Boulder to try and carve out his own place in the world of adventure film companies.  Many films and many years later, Pete has succeeded in making a name for himself in t