Owning Her Health Podcast

A Labor of Love: Birthing Behavioral Styles



Ever wonder why people show up in the world as they do? Ever want to jump into someone's head and communicate a little better? Then this "Labor of love what I do" - Labor Day episode #49 is for you! I I explore why we in healthcare are actually driving the business of healing in every conversation we have working with someone every day How meeting people where they are and Unifying your message with their expectations is yoga off the mat and drives clients to buy into completing a plan of care way better than your promised gadgets. How understanding the who you support is just as needed as the understanding the what you are supporting. What various profiles need to hear to move them towards or away from us every interaction  Everyone is, of course, a blend of personality styles just like in Vedic philosophy, every human is a blend of several energetic profiles. In fact, the science of yoga is where I learned the fine art of seeing people behind the pain of the injury. My dominant personality is Influencer (