Trailer Hitch

Episode 91: "Nothing But Time and No Push-Ups" / The Main Event / Bad Education / Hi-Beam, Low-Beam: One Cut of the Dead



James & Kevin are known for their overkill. Though they only have to be six feet apart, the boys chose to be a mile and a half apart, recording in their respective, quarantined apartments. But their distance makes their hearts grow fonder for trailers, and they got a couple doozies. They begin with The Main Event, then flunk out of Bad Education. Next, they introduce Hi-Beam, Lo-Beam, where one person watches all of the promotional material before seeing a movie, while the other goes in blind. James hadn't heard of One Cut of the Dead before watching it for the show, whereas Kevin saw all of the spoiler-y trailers. Will this lead to the experience being soured for the latter? Can a trailer spoil a film but not its experience? They investigate... separately.