Trailer Hitch

Episode 70: "The Model That Appreciated Land Value" / Frozen 2 / Terminator: Dark Fate / The Golden Trailer Awards



Fresh from the pretentiousness of Cannes, James and Kevin return to the States where they find out that there's evidently an awards show for trailers that takes place, like, 10 miles from where they live. Jetlagged and bitter about being snubbed for an invite, the pair go through the categories and winners, giving insight into the winners through the perspective of professional trailer critics, and saying if and when they would have a "Kanye Moment" to bum rush the stage to call out a winner they strongly disagree with.   And, while they were gone, apparently trailers kept coming out... ? DID MOVIES NOT SEE THEIR POLITE AUTO-REPLY EMAIL SAYING THEY WERE OUT OF THE COUNTRY?! No matter, the boys chill out with Frozen 2, and assess whether or not Terminator: Dark Fate will have the ill-fortune of receiving a Never Need to See review.