Price Projection Room

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (dir. Rian Johnson)



Our nerd quotient is rising with the discussion of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The latest installment of the Star Wars series brings with it controversy. How well does The Last Jedi fit into the Star Wars franchise? How does this new film show how culture has changed since the first film (A New Hope, 1977)? Our talented panel discuss these questions and more in their nerdy discussion of the continuing saga of Luke, Leia, Kylo, Rey, Poe, Finn, and new characters we meet along the way. How might our own biases distort the way we view the storytelling?  Find out the journey our panelists took, featuring host Erroll Southers and guests Alessandro Ago, Carla Della Gatta, and Lt. Col. Olivia Nelson. Let us know what you think of the film and our conversation at Facebook or Twitter. To listen to the Price Projection Room discussion of Star Wars: The Last Jedi click the arrow in the player at the top of this post. Or download and subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play. Follow us on Twitter!   @Be