Salty Language

Salty Language 253 - Let It GLOW



New Salty Language 253 - Let It GLOW   Tony and Bryan wax poetic on beer exchanges, Netflix ordering a GLOW comedy series, Kung Fury sequel has been written, Lady Dynamite on Netflix, This Old Compound, a Snoop dogg time travel show, a podcast spin-off idea, the Salty Club, our Q of the W and recap, and more!  Links: 1. Kalamazoo Beer Exchange: 2. Netflix orders GLOW series: 3. Kung Fury sequel: 4. Lady Dynamite: QoftheW: If someone gave you $1,000 to spend on non-responsible things, what would you buy?   Subscribe / rate / review us on iTunes! Visit us at: Google Play Music: SLPod Kik Group / faceb