Ticket 2 Blog

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - T2B 23



Worried that affiliate marketing will feel like selling out? Worried about people thinking you've turned into a douchy salesman? This is your episode!  We discuss: Why affiliate marketing doesn't necessarily mean selling out Why affiliate relationships even exist How affiliate relationships can actually help your audience & multiply your message What it takes to feel good about affiliate relationships A definition of "selling out" Why guilt is a common feeling when starting affiliate relationships   Links to things discussed in this episode: The place where our true believers provide fuel for the anti-sell-out-blogging train (Patreon!) . The two companies Berna is thinking of becoming an affiliate of: Plastiq - the way she put her bills on credit cards and racked up free airline miles. (Update: she did it!  Click the link or use code "berna") How Not to Freak Out About Finance - a personal and business money course for newbie entrepreneurs.  (Update: she did this one, too!  Use "FRIENDSOFBERNA" at che