Warrior Week

I NEED Money | Warrior Week | Ep 040



Coach Sam and Coach Jesse engage in a conversation around a Pit that many men experience, the Pit of the need for money and how that need paralyzes and prevents them from moving forward. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parable #1: Patterns of Behavior What is the real problem when a man says he needs money? Coaches naturally want to coach the problem instead of the man, but that’s not how solutions are found. You have to coach the person and the behavior. What is the actual behavior which causes men to believe they need money? In one man’s case, it was found that he had been sitting on a stack of leads and hadn’t called one of them; he hadn’t been putting in the work. QUESTION Where in your life are you expecting results without putting in the required work?   Parable #2: Moving or Not Moving? If you want energy, you must start moving. Someone in a place of need has stopped moving. When you say you need to make money or lose weight, it’s all the same;