Warrior Week

Betrayal is a Bitch | Warrior Week | Ep 033



Coach Sam and Coach Jesse are hours away from leading men in the crucible of Warrior Week 50 as they continue this conversation around pain, and inside of that, the pain of betrayal. ________________________________________________________ Parable #1: It Begins in the Mind Coach Sam: Of the over 1,000 men who have graduated from Warrior Week, at least 50% of them have come from a betrayal situation – either they have betrayed their wife, or their wife has betrayed them. Coach Jesse: Betrayal starts early in the relationship before something actually happens. If I feel that you have betrayed me, I create a story about it and then act that story out in energy. QUESTION What stories have you been creating in your mind about your spouse? Parable #2: Not Created Equal Coach Sam: There is a difference in the character of a man who has cheated on his wife and the man who has been cheated on by his wife. Coach Jesse: What we’ve experienced in Warrior is when a woman cheats on her husband, they rarely come back t