Free Ira Brown! - The Gonzaga Hoops Podcast

Strange Days



You ready for the best news you’ve heard in months? Something about which no one could possibly have any reservations? Marty’s back with a brand-new song. No, it’s true. And oh yeah, Free Ira Brown is back! That’s right, dear friends, after months of turmoil and frustration, indecision and uncertainty, claustrophobia and exasperation, the FIB crew is here to provide our normal dose of aural pleasure. And we’ll talk about basketball. A lot. No, really: actual, honest-to-goodness basketball. And Marty has a new song. And it’s great. We’ll touch on some other news here and there (uniforms, preseason award lists, and the like), but the heart of kick-off pod is a deep-dive into our returning players. Kispert, Timme, Ayayi, Watson, we spare no one (except in this abbreviated list here). Who is going to get major minutes? Who is going to have to make the most of their limited time? Can Ballo channel his inner Tsang Tsung? Oh yeah, did we mention Marty has his best song to date? And one more treat: in an attempt to r