Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

58. Two Essential Questions To Deliver (And Radiate) World-Class Care To Those You Serve



When you walk into a room, what energy are you projecting? When you join a conversation, how do you make people feel around you? You may not be aware of it, but you are radiating something everywhere you go. You’ve heard it said, it’s not what you do but how you make others feel that matters. The important question then is does what I radiate, contribute or contaminate?   Today I’m sharing a recent experience I had at a destination hotel where I was impacted by people who radiated world-class authentic care, interest, and kindness. It was a reminder that who you are being while you do what you do matters and that we can deliberately choose how we want others to feel. Tune in to learn how to identify what you are radiating in your work, leadership, parenting and other key relationships that you might not realize. Then use two simple questions to help you deliver a world-class experience to those you serve today.    Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_Hyland_Coaching. For full show notes, head to