Tea Of Life Podcast

Start Living Your Best Life Now



Along my way, I have met so many people who all have one thing in common, they are not loving this precious life that we have been given the opportunity to live; they are not living their best life. Not only that, but lately I see commercial after commercial “selling” us ways for you to love our life - whether it be through a new online counseling agency, gym memberships, food, medication...basically more items and ways than I can even think about right now. I want to ask you what are you going to do this year to make your life better because it IS up to you. It is not up to anyone else to change your life. It is not up to anyone else to change your life for you. It’s not up to anyone else to create the life that YOU want to live. It is up to you! I can only give you a nudge in the right direction through encouragement and presenting some tools that you can use to achieve your goals. If you have a goal this year to change your attitude or situation, YOU are the only person who can achieve that goal. For some,