Tea Of Life Podcast

When Average is Good Enough



What if I don't want to be more than average? Is that really not Ok? Today we talk about an article that I came across on social media titled, "What if All I want is a Mediocre Life?"  This is an article that I feel that I could have written myself. It truly speaks to my heart for myself and my family. I was so relieved to find out that I am not alone; that I am not the only one feeling overwhelmed or even rebellious of what society tells us we need to be or have accomplished by my age or in my near future. Carolyn Penner is a guest with me again today, and we talk more through living a "mediocre life" through motherhood and how we desire to be more than ok with where we are on our journey through life. We are tired of all of the outside influences constantly telling us that we need to be better, bigger, faster, achieve more, be better leaders; better wives, moms, and daughters. We are tired of always having to have a picture-perfect house and lifestyle. When is enough enough? For us, it is now! Know that whe