Kitty Talks

The Simple Thing That Changed My Life



You - incredible being, incarnated here on earth to evolve and grow! When you realise that, you will understand just how life gives for you - not to you. How life perfectly conjures situations for you to heal and grow in. Yes of course this can be painful and challenging, particularly when we don’t get taught to understand the signals.  When we don’t feel correctly, we trap and suppress emotional energy which then wreaks havoc in the mind and body! There is a fix!! I have the most brilliantly effective tool, it’s so simple, costs nothing and has been tried and tested for… ever!! All you need is you, your honesty, your willingness, your commitment, a pen, and a writing book. Then, you have all the power to transform your life, everything you need to heal and recreate your life, and speak your higher self into existence by using the power of words!  Here’s what you’ll learn in this video: