What The West?

016 Mexico's New Energy Reality



It’s been more than a month since Mexico’s recent federal elections. With the election of an incoming president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO, we are now seeing announcements about the team he’ll bring to office with him. In this episode, we look at changes in Mexico and the incoming team on the issue of most interest to western Canada: the energy sector. In Mexico City, we talk to Montserrat Ramiro, Comisión Reguladora de Energía In Part II of this Mexico election 2018 special edition podcast, we're partnering with Comexi to take a closer look at Canada's distant, often forgotten neighbour, Mexico. See Part I, The forgotten neighbour, here. Host: Carlo Dade, director, Trade & Investment Centre, Canada West Foundation Guest: Montserrat Ramiro, Comisión Reguladora de Energía