Tolu Falode: Love | Faith | Finance

Episode 25: How Can Successful Ladies Do Business And Date The Godly Way?



It was an exhaustive conversation with our guest on this month's podcast: Jennifer Aluko who spoke on how successful ladies can do business and date, the "Godly Way". Jenny Aluko, is the Founder of the popular and Eccentric Yanga Beauty, an auspice of beauty and class, offering joyful experiences of flawless beauty with their products and services. Candidly? Dating and doing business successfully? Not just any way but the almost dreaded "Godly Way" would seem quite dreadful and impossible, but with Jenny, a successful woman in her own right, her experiences will be quite interesting to listen to, so grab a cuppa and settle in to listen to this detailed and intimate podcast about running a business as a godly woman and dating! You need to think deeply while listening to this episode. Got your pen and paper? Jot along and laugh, without forgetting to learn while at it! Let’s begin! I know you'll enjoy this episode! Make sure to share with your friends on Instagram and tag me @fantheflame so I can repost it on