Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How Free T4 Changes with Different Thyroid Medication



Free T4 is an important measurement which gives you an idea how well your thyroid is functioning. But what's interesting about this value is that it changes based on what type of thyroid medication you are taking. You need to understand how these changes manifest to know if you are on the right track. How T4 changes with thyroid medication: - On T4 only thyroid medication. Free T4 tends to increase when taking thyroid medication such as Levothyroxine and Synthroid. This makes perfect sense! You can use your free T4 as a measure to determine if you are taking enough medication. As you take more medication you should see your free T4 increase. - On NDT thyroid medication. On NDT some people experience a dramatic drop in free T4 while others may see a slight increase. How you respond to NDT will depend on your unique biochemistry. - On T3 only thyroid medication. All people taking T3 only thyroid medication will see a drop in free T4 if their dose is high enough! Evaluating your free T4 is importan